At Internal Economy, we envision a harmonious and sustainable future that transcends the confines of traditional economic models. Our goal is to create a society that nourishes both individuals and communities, freeing them from the burdens of debt and scarcity.
At the heart of this transformation lies the concept of the house-parent and work-parent, inspired by the daily dynamics of a family. Just as a family relies on the dedication of one parent to manage the household, the internal economy invites us to recognize the importance of nurturing our community and its well-being.
The Royal economy, supported by taxation credit, serves as a guiding force. It centers around the concept of The 1, The Head, The Crown, representing the collective vision and governance that ensures the well-being and progress of society as a whole.
Join us on this transformative journey as we strive to build a world where the internal economy, driven by community internal credit, paves the way to prosperity, harmony, and shared well-being.